About Johan

Johan is a Swedish countertenor who is currently studying with Marcus Van den Akker and Joseph Middleton at Royal Academy of Music in London. This summer he will graduate his Bachelor of Honours degree and will continue with his Master of Performance at RAM as well.

Recently Johan was a finalist in the highly prestigious Richard Lewis Award together as a duo with Alison Ma, where he was awarded for the Song Prize. During his time at RAM he has been a soloist of their Resounding Shores project which is celebrating Purcell and the legacy of a golden age for music in England. With RAM’s Vocal Faculty opera scenes he has been singing as Idamante in Mozart’s Idomeneo and as Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer nights dream. He has also been a part of RAO’s productions as a Flower girl in Le Nozze di Figaro and as an extra in in the prologue of Ariadne auf Naxos.

Before Johan moved to London he studied at Vadstena Sång och Pianoakademi, where he was taught by Anders Düring. In 2019 he won first prize in the OVIS-Rösten competition. He has also been generously supported with several scholarships from Anders Sandrews Stiftelse, Thora Olssons Stiftelse, Andersson i Anderslöv Stiftelse and The Swedish House of Nobility.

Johan’s interest for opera started when he was ten years old and did his first opera production in Mozart’s Der Zauberflöte as Knabe 1 at Opera Hedeland in Denmark. He then joined the Malmö Opera’s children’s choir where he participated in several productions as a child soloist in To see the world while the light lasts, Vi gör en opera and Trollguld. As well as a chorista in operas such as Carmen, Parsifal and Tusen och en natt.